Sunday, January 11, 2009

Gaza Protest , Auckland, 100109

Assalamualaikum :)

Yesterday I attended this rally protesting what's happening in Gaza right now. More than 500 people (3News claims more than 800 people) involved in this protest. The protest went peacefully, starting with speeches by activists, Green Party leader, and by our local Imam at Aotea Square, then a march for about 1 km along Queen Street towards the US Consulate at Customs Street, and ended with the symbolic shoe-throwing towards the consulate building. The protest was organised by Justice for Palestine, Palestine Human Rights Campaign, Global Peace and Justice Auckland.

If we can assemble in the name of humanity, why can't we unite in the name of Allah?

The organisers suggest 5 ways to help the Palestinians:

1) To attend this kind of protest.
2) To support Free Gaza Movement
3) To sign petition: GAZA: STOP THE BLOODSHED
4) To boycott Israeli goods
5) To send a message to NZ's Prime Minister, to condemn the Israeli bombardment of Gaza (

Okie, enough of the formal report, this is my point of view for the protest. It's a relief for me to see that there're many people who support the Palestinians, as I used to believe that only Muslims and Arabs will take serious of the matter. It shows that, this aggression doesn't only matter to Muslims and Arabs, this overboard military action by the zionist against the Palestinians also matters to all. It's not just about religion or region, it's about humanity. The killings of civilians, of women, children, the olds, are totally unacceptable, but how funny still is argued. There are still lots of people believe that Israel is just protecting their land from rocket barrage by Hamas (home-made rockets that is). Well, these ignorant, history-blind, naive, and most probably zionist, cannot be reasoned with. They shut their eyes from searching for both stories of what's happening in the middle east. Even if they did, the facts will just fall on their prejudiced mind. The argument of Palestinians should respect Israel's sovereignty as an independent state? Please, we have our own limit on how stupid we can be.

Thanks to the Iraqi reporter, this has become a new phenomenon

My advice, stop being ignorantly spoon fed by the media, use the brain and your common sense, with some history knowledge, and please, watch some documentaries regarding to the sufferings of the Palestinians, of which they're not just traumatised by wars, but also ethnic-cleansing. And tell me, why should the Palestinians, whom house torn down, whose husbands, wives, children, parents killed in front of their eyes, whom their land forcefuly taken by the zionist and developed into housings for the so-called settlers, should respect their 'sovereignty' just because their state is 'legal'? Please, this stupidity, insanity isn't acceptable, really.

Though yesterday's march was dominated by Muslims and Socialists; though we have different visions, different ideology, our mission is the same: To kick the zionists ass out of the Palestinians land!Enough is enough!

burn-n-stomp: uncivilised activity?compared to the butchery in Gaza, this is nothing

Let us pray so Allah reward His courage to our brothers and sisters in Ghaza and all around the world to protect their rights. To seed fear into our enemy's heart. Let their long lives be the reason of their unprecedented sufferings in His eternal flame of Jahannam. Pray so Allah make them see His light, and together help to reduce the sufferings of Muslims all around the world. Pray so Allah forgive all our sins, our incapabilities to help our brothers and sisters, pray so Allah accept our tiny effort to help them. Pray so Allah put his mercy into our brothers and sisters heart, so they would forgive us for not doing anything while they're being oppressed, seing their family members slaughtered in front of their eyes, losing their homes and land. May His Mercy also made all those who died in the 'battlefield' of Ghaza as His Martyrs. Amiin :(.

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