Assalamualaikum :)..
I made myself clear that I dun wanna discuss the issue of 'lompat parti' in Perak or elsewhere. It's just that when surfing the net, reading the comments and even posts in blogs, forums, seems like, we're bursting out our emotion rather than rational aspect of the issue. This might not reflects to all, but to some, well, it's time to put on our thinking cap, shall we :).
1) 'Lompat Parti'
Are these people eating they're own words?
PR - 16 Sept Aspiration: where several MPs would change their side of seats in the parliament and support PR
BN/UMNO - 'Lompat Parti' is totally unacceptable, unethical and unjust.
PR - The MPs who resigned are traitors.
BN - Le'ts just accept our MP who want to return to us
Question to ponder:
Sometimes it's not sufficient to judge from just seeing the effect of actions. We should ask ourselves, why do they give 'contradictory' statements. They're not morons (well, supposedly not). This is what I mean:
Why PR said 'lompat parti' from BN to PR is acceptable but not otherwise?
a) They believe the action was done on moral basis, they're (the Lompat MPs) not offered
any rewards for doing so.
b)The MPs who changed from PR to BN were all 'paid'.
*well then, to what extent the statements are true?
This is what we should look for. Not just by judging from their action of 'lompat parti'. We shouldn't waste our energy focusing to cure (in this case, comment) the symptoms, rather, use the symptoms to find the real 'disease'and act accordingly.
2) The BN's action of toppling the current Perak govt. without election
This is just giving a green light for others that this's permisable (@least 'morally'). Well, then we (or they (BN)) can't blame PR if the same reply is done by PR(whether it's on state level or national level). Coz they (BN) are actually the pioneer for this.
The question of whether with this step, it's a sign that the country isn't anymore steered by Rakyat. Instead, it's controlled by few political elites, Where they can 'lompat parti' and to support the other side of the political power without any consent from the Rakyat. They're 'Wakil Rakyat's. The Rakyat's reps. Their job is to represent Rakyat. Not to make their own personal decision (no matter how morally justified (which is a subjective matter) it is) that directly affect the Rakyat, without first, consulting the Rakyat. The concept of democracy, where Rakyat rule the country is being undermined (or, the flaws of democracy are starting to show themselves).
These are few questions that we should at least ponder upon, before we enter the stage of thinking bout the conspiracy theories, and other. We need to be clear of the situation before making up ur mind.
3) Extremists cannot be reasoned with
Be it PR or BN, the issue of extremism isn't new. Its not a problem at all to show our support towards our beliefs. The problem is to support blindly. To add the spices, let's make things worse with EGO, when we think we're the ones who know, the others info are totally unreliable. Totally reject others POV when they're not in line with ours. This attitude is the reason of the break ups within our community. "Oh yes, we're trying to develop the country. But first, let's just get rid of our competitors who didn't agree with us. So that we could develop the nation peacefully". Why don't we just accept that everyone wants the best for the nation. And there isn't only a single way to do so.
4) Racism
This is the saddest part of our society. We're being racist. We think our nation is superior than others. It's not wrong to think that way. It'll develop the sense of appreciating who you are and try your best to 'up' your nation. The problem is, when we belittle others. The problem with racism -why Islam detest racism - is becoz we don't choose our race when we're born. (for Muslims, we believe) It's Allah who chose who you are. In what nation or tribe ya'll be born in.
"...made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that who has At-Taqwa (being a person, who fear and love Allah strongly). Verily, Allah is the All-Knowing, Well-Acquainted" - Holy Quran, 49:13
The Prophet (s) said: "One who calls towards 'asabiyyah is not from us, one who fights for 'asabiyyah is not from us and the one who dies on 'asabiyyah is not from us." [Mizan al Hikmah, hadith # 13035] source
(I'm not a hadith literate (The sanad isn't there), do inform me if the hadith isn't a sahih. As I don't wanna share a place in Jahannam for sharing a 'hadith' which is not from Rasulullah (s))
It's a noble thing to preserve your rights and heritage, it's just the noble deed is 180-degreely turned when we deny others. Not everyone as good and not everyone as bad. The problem is when less good ppl talk bout less good things that influence others whom without enuff knowledge and understandings of what's goin on.
For Muslims, just remember the Day of Judgement. When all our deeds, our sayings, will be the very reason of our place in one of the two options; hell or heaven. No other place will be offered, unfortunately.
Juz sharin my 2 cents.
Cheers :D
Kamaliah's 27th Birthday
7 years ago
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