I bought these 3 new books yesterday :)..
they're all equally interesting..
well, judging from the intro n the title (though the saying not to judge a book by its cover..well, not quite in my case, dari mate jatoh ke hati, dari hati poketku kering..hoh :p) these books are worth buying.
basically I went to UBS (University Book Store) to buy a text book for my History 101G (yeap..HISTORY TEXT BOOK)..
then i saw this book entitled Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You: A Guide to the Universe. Sounds cool huh?hoho..
who can resist that kinda title..rite..rite?
A book talking about the entire human race would fit in the volume of a sugar cube;
you age faster at the top of a building than at the bottom;
and all that crap from modern physics..man, it's a big NO-NO not to buy it..well, @least not to me :D
Then, while searching for the history text book, on the same shelf, there was this book "How Mathematics Happened".
I mean,..wallaweh, they're gonna explain how 1 of my major cause of headache started?and I don't see any reason why shouldn't I get 1 (xcept for d fact dat my pocket isn't dat deep..huhu)
And then there she was. The real 'beauty'. "The Human Web: A Bird's-Eye View of WOrld History". It's a book worth reading.
I might consider of buying the book even if I don't sit for the History paper this summer semester.
well, that's why I can't go to bookstore often. I'll end up buying more than i should have (sigh~).
jz hopin i'd read all d books..hehe..that's where the real challenge hides :p
Cheers :D
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